PHARM Project has been developed within the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship research program REC-RRAC-RACI-AG 2019 (GA n. 875217) to address hate speech against refugees and imigrants and the online spread of abusive language in Greece, Spain and Italy. Utilizing the benefits of data journalism and narrative persuasion, the project attempts to detect and address criminal acts against minority social groups, present and communicate the value of equality as a key foundation for ensuring the notion of democracy.

The project involves academic researchers from various university institutions across the Europe who are specialized in different scientific disciplines providing different approaches, perspectives, knowledge and research methods/tools to eliminate hate speech in the EU area.

Purpose and goals:

  • Monitoring digital media landscape in Greece, Italy and Spain, with the aim of detecting hate and abusive speech in news and users’ online comments.
  • Classification of abusive speech’s characteristics utilizing machine learning technologies, with the aim of preventing future attacks and crimes against refugees.
  • Utilizing data journalism for the production and distribution of content that aims to modify the dominant narratives against minority groups in Greece, Italy and Spain.